He doesn’t work for them he works for us
He took the guy on
What can you do there is nothing you can do
He’s American
He really sucks
They ended up taking the photos on the bus
Anyhow what’s going on with you
Yeh yeh you mentioned that right
Yes I think something else comes out of all this
Your great job
Even if Rachel is materialised or whatever
You still have your position
I’ll tell you
You’ll really start to feel good about who you are if you stand up for your self
Very self serving very self serving
Let me know how it goes
Send me a text
I’m off tomorrow so tell me how it goes
You’ll figure it out
Just know ur doing the right thing
Don’t snap ur better then that
You’re doing it how I would do it
Of course you will
My advice is do not over explain
You’ve made ur decision and you have
Okay okay alright have a good day I love u sweetie.
This series features random people's conversations in bus stops around London. The above was an American woman at Heygate Street bus stop.