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Unsettled Magazine

fanni sutus | feature

Her glittery socks were the first thing I noticed. With a coffee in one hand and her portfolio in another, she led the way to the Typo Cafe and had already answered four questions that I hadn’t even asked.  Fun fact: she talks, you listen fascinated.

“How are we gonna do this? Will you be recording?” she asks, pointing at my phone. Note to self: It’s never too early to press play!

In an empty and silent cafe, for an hour and a half, sat a girl in a turtleneck jumper and a purple knitwear coat, talking to a complete stranger. She went from the person who focuses on the subject, to the subject herself.

Fanni Sutus is an inspirational, funny and creative young photographer who is currently attending her third year BA Photojournalism and Documentary Photography at LCC. Which surprised me, because after following her work for a couple of years now, I’d say she’s already experienced in more than one photographic field; portraiture, street style, fashion… She excels in everything she focuses her passion on, and never comes half way.

“I’m still looking for my style, to be honest” says Fanni, “I think I just like to shoot all the time and try all kind of things”. As she is heading through graduation this year, tension is rising, but it is definitely not holding her back from developing and keeping track on her personal projects.

“I started this course because I really love street photography and I really wanted to connect with people, but the skills I’m learning now, I can apply to all kind of photography”.

Which is definitely what Fanni is doing. Her recent works are well-planned photoshoots,  and her portfolio is a colourful masterpiece. Her natural style creates a story-telling through the simplicity of captures, with day to day backgrounds and accurately chosen camera angles. Especially in her street style photos, Fanni creates spontaneous and confident final works.

“This year I started working a lot in the studio. My last project was portraits of girls, attaching flowers to their skin and I’ve been keeping doing it for the last three months”.

“Bloomy” is a feminine idea which presents women’s most passionate attitudes and expressions, mainly focusing on body parts, such as hands, sweat skin, necks, lips, eyes and ears. The photographs express innocence, which is mainly represented by make-up free faces and dominant pastel colours.

Her initiative extended as long as she is now event photographer for the prestigious UK's first ever 'buy by weight' vintage shopping event : The Vintage Kilo Sale around London.

“[UAL] introduces us the real working life, which is very useful”, explains Fanni when I ask if the university helped her to grow and already start her career. “Many students are not aware of how many facilities this place offers. You can achieve whatever you plan”.

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